Friday, December 2, 2011


Please remember to turn in your child’s Kindergarten school photo.  You can drop it off with their teacher, leave it at the office for Lara Cassidy or if you are submitting a digital photo, you can email to  Look for flyers and emails with information on dedication pages.  Also, please keep in mind that we would like to include photos of your child’s entire experience at Enders in all grades. We are not limited to 6th grade photos only. They can include performances, field trips, class parties, etc.  The more the better.  Kids just love to be reminded on how they all looked in the 1st grade J. If you send in an actual photo, put your child’s name and teacher’s name on it and it will be returned.  If you send a scanned photo, please make sure it is at least 350 dpi and your child’s name is included in the email. 

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